The Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas statement of priorities for the 88th Texas Legislature

RLC of Texas

Legislative Priorities 88th Legislative Session

The RLC of Texas held a Statewide Video Meeting to vote on the legislative priorities our organization will champion through the 88th legislative session on December 18th, 2022.  The 88th Legislative Session begins on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, and lasts until Monday, May 29, 2023.  Although all the suggestions given by the members were equally important the following priorities, through long deliberation, were selected:

Ban Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying – Abolishing all forms of taxpayer-funded lobbying is crucial in ending the corruption of our overgrown government.  Currently, government agencies such as City or County Offices and School Districts hire lobbyists to increase their ability to tax and regulate even more, all while using the tax dollars of the very citizenry that elected them.

Eliminate Property Tax – Texas has one of the highest property taxes in the country and we firmly believe that Texas homeowners should not be required to “rent” their property from the state. As Governor Abbott recently stated, we are “reduced to tenants of [our] very own property with taxing authorities playing the role of landlord.” True ownership of property is unattainable when it is contingent on being able to pay taxes, the fear of losing one’s home is a never-ending concern that must end. Our goal is to see Texans gain the ability to truly own their land and homes without the risk of loss through property tax. We believe reducing government spending and utilizing alternative forms of “voluntary taxation,” such as consumption tax models, can achieve that goal and provide the adequate funding necessary to continue the required government operation.

Criminal Justice Reform – The criminal justice system within Texas and the United States has become an enormous for-profit industry that tramples constitutional rights and imprisons massive numbers of productive citizens; primarily affecting the poor and middle class. The Texas legislature and Republican representatives must begin to curtail the instruments that law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts currently utilize to restrict and remove the liberty of our fellow Texans by preserving the fundamental rights enshrined in both the Texas and US Constitutions. We seek legislative reforms that ensure the presumption of innocence and limit all forms of excessive bail before trial, guarantee due process and promote jury trials through criminal proceedings, and fully restore offenders to law-abiding status post-conviction. We also support legislation intended to hold those that wield power and authority of government force accountable such as legislation that strictly limits or ends qualified immunity for prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement officers.

Defend the Guard – The Constitution divides war powers between Congress and the president. Only Congress can declare war and appropriate military funding, and the President is the commander in chief of the armed forces. It has become necessary to compel Congress to reassert its authority under the U.S. Constitution regarding when, where, how, and why our troops are sent to war.  Each and every politician in Congress must first put their name on any declaration of war before we send our military. Defend the Guard is state-based legislation prohibiting the deployment of a state’s National Guard units into active combat without a formal declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. This bill focuses on the decentralization of power from Washington DC and back to the states. Simply stated, if Congress does not formally declare war, then the state will not send their young men and women into harm’s way.

Equal Parenting Rights – Advocates have been fighting the corruption that has been plaguing the Family Court System for years. One might not be aware of the gross violations of parental rights happening in Texas Family Courts if one has not experienced it personally. The impact on Texas families is alarming. We seek legislation to ensure that all custody procedures begin with an assumption of 50/50 status for both parents, something that other states have already implemented. In situations where 50/50 co-parenting is not achievable, legislation should promote compromise with minimal government interference to ensure all parties are acting in the best interest of the children involved. Processes that offer Custodials advantage over Non-Custodials should be modified to help prevent parents from becoming spiteful and vindictive.

The family court must guarantee that children come first with legislative assurances that provide for the involvement of both parents and the protection of the family.  We call on the Texas Legislature to prevent the incentives created through continuous court appearances that benefit the court, government offices, and attorneys involved through fines and service fees. Responsible non-custodial parents should be focusing their time and resources on the quality of life for their children without the exorbitant costs created in the current system. Texas children and their parents deserve better. This is not to be confused with cases of abuse, neglect, or outright abandonment, we are advocating for equally loving, willing, and able parents.

The RLC of Texas works with all groups to successfully advocate for legislative changes to maximize liberty and limit government intervention for all Texans. Through a systematic process of training and tools, visits, phone calls, emails, and letter writing we help activists engage. We provide tools and guidance for members to visit the Capitol and meet with the various committee chairs, representatives, and senators. We welcome new members and advocates to join the fight for defending our constitution and our liberty from tyranny.  Join here:

Here’s the Texas State’s website on the Legislative Session feel free to explore the site and stay updated on all the legislative activity.