RLC Texas Resolution to End Jail for Non-jailable Offenses

Resolution Relating to the Bill to End Jail for Non-jailable Offenses

WHEREAS, Criminal Justice Reform is a legislative priority for the Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) of Texas calls upon the Texas Legislature to end the practice of arresting and jailing individuals for offenses for which jail is not an allowable consequence under the law.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the RLC of Texas urges all Republican House Representatives to co-author and/or sponsor HB-410 “Relating to law enforcement policies regarding the issuance of citations for misdemeanors punishable by fine only and to a limitation on the authority to arrest a person for certain fine-only misdemeanors.” and all Republican Senators to author and/or sponsor a companion bill in the Texas Senate. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should this bill be referred to the Senate’s Criminal Justice Committee, then the RLC of Texas calls upon the Democrat Chair of this committee- Senator John Whitmire- to hold a hearing and a vote in his committee to allow for passage in the full body of the Senate. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when this bill be voted out of committee, then the RLC of Texas calls upon our Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to allow a vote in the full body of the Senate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to all State Senators.