Welcome to our new blog! Our site is still under construction at the moment. However, for our first post, the RLC Texas has voted to make a statement regarding a coalition we were a part of for the past six years.
On July 6, 2022, the board of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas (RLCTX) voted to disassociate itself from the Freedom First Republicans Coalition.
We act in response to the recent back-to-back resignations of the state chairman of the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas (LCR), followed closely by his acting successor along with other state board members of LCR Texas, and their credible stated concerns.
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas is greatly concerned with the co-opting of the LCR Texas leadership and its commitment to the mission and values of the Freedom First Republicans Coalition. Given these conditions, RLCTX has no choice but to withdraw from this coalition as we continue to uphold the values of liberty.
This signals that LCR Texas may no longer be acting primarily in the representation of Texas chapter members, but rather may now be acting under interference or strict direction from outside the state and leaves us unable to ensure that all our members of our Texas-based coalition, speaking on matters of concern to Texans, are in fact representing Texans, or share the commitment to the mission of Freedom First.
The Freedom First Republicans Coalition joined three different Republican groups in the common principle that in addressing issues of contention and conflicting rights, the liberty guarantees of our Constitution always come first, and that the best way to defend those guarantees of liberty is to defend them for everyone. It was the first liberty coalition of its kind in Texas. It won’t be the last.
This dissolution applies to the coalition only, and should not be considered a repudiation of the individual members of Log Cabin Republicans, or the values and principles of Freedom First that brought three Republican organizations together in the summer of 2016.